Thursday, February 7, 2008

Ode to Etan Thomas

Don't worry folks. I'm not going to try to be like Etan and bust out any spoken word on you. I will bare you that much. This is actually more of a birthday shout out to a friend who thinks Etan Thomas is the best.

Apparently, she is not the only one. has an article from October 2007 that heralds Etan's character as well as his contributions to the community.

Taken from's article The Activist Athlete:

Wizards teammate Caron Butler on Etan:
"He reaches out to the community, goes to speak at correctional facilities, has a gift for writing poetry and is very intelligent. He was one of the team captains, even though he wasn't appointed."

And you gotta love a man that loves Washington DC!

Etan on the nation's capital:
"There are two Washington, D.C.'s."There is the capital and then there are the people in the city who care very deeply about a host of issues and ideas. ... I have met people on demonstrations and the people in this city really care about politics and issues. That's the kind of people I want to be around. That's the kind of place I want to be."

Happy Birthday GG and best of luck to Etan. We're so glad that his heart surgery went well and that he is back at practice!

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